The sponsor of the Compassionate Care Act bill, Sen. Tom Davis, is seeking input from his stakeholders prior to the bill being moved into the Medical Affairs full committee. The next hearing is scheduled for March 13. Sen. Davis needs full vetting of the bill from the subcommittee members to get it pushed through committee. There is still time to make a difference, as crossover for the bill isn’t until April 10. Therefore, movement hasn’t been stalled, just delayed for more research to be done.
Jill Swing, the founder of the South Carolina Compassionate Care Alliance, says the most helpful thing to do at this point would be to have Democrats draft a letter or adopt a resolution in support of the bill and ask Senator Floyd Nicholson and any other Democrats in the area to sign on as a cosponsor. There is a similar bill in the House, sponsored by Rep. Peter McCoy, that Democrats could ask Representative Anne Parks to cosponsor.
Senator Floyd Nicholson:
610 Gressette Bldg.
Columbia 29201
Business Phone: (803) 212-6040
Representative Anne Parks
434D Blatt Bldg.
Columbia 29201
Business Phone: (803) 734-3069
“Medical marijuana could become legal in SC, but you won’t be allowed to smoke it”
“While dispensaries would be located in every South Carolina county, the marketing and smoking of leaf marijuana would be prohibited. Only products derived from marijuana, such as oils and topical creams, could be marketed or purchased.
The bill mirrors a version passed by key House and Senate committees last year. However, the legislative session expired before it could be debated on the floor of the S.C. Senate or S.C. House.”
For a summary of the bill: