mini-Newsletter for Oct 2, 2020

In this Newsletter:

  • Message from the Chair
  • GWCDP News
  • Upcoming Events

Message from the Chair

Last night was historic for the Greenwood County Democrats. For the first time ever, we held our annual (and newly renamed) Carnell-Drummond-Mays Dinner in a manner that kept everyone informed, inspired, and most importantly – SAFE!

Did you see that we made the front page news this morning?

This was the culmination of 2 months’ worth of effort: Publicity, food logistics, content preparation, candidate engagement, and technical delivery. We were blessed to have a hardworking committee and equally blessed to have a membership who put faith in us such that over 150 tickets were sold!

If you missed it – don’t worry. You can watch it at your leisure on a custom YouTube playlist we created that broke the 2-hour proceedings into individual segments.

While it was great fun putting together a “virtual” event, we surely hope that we can gather in person again at our 14th annual Carnell-Drummond-Mays Dinner!

We’ve had dozens of new subscribers to our mailing list in the past few weeks. Welcome! With the Dinner behind us, we will be increasing our communications a bit to about twice a week during this final month of the election. If you have anything you would like to get out to our members, let us know at


We’ve received some late-breaking news that the South Carolina Democratic Party will hosting a mobile Get Out the Vote Rally at West Cambridge Park on Tuesday, Oct 6 from 10 am to 11am. 

Follow us on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram to receive details as soon as we get them. From what we hear, it will be a good place to get some candidate swag, like bumper stickers and possibly yard signs!

Speaking of yard signs, we do have them for Biden-Harris, Jaime Harrison, and Hosea Cleveland. We’re waiting to get our supply of posts restocked, but just reply to this e-mail if you’re interested (and are in Greenwood County) and we’ll reach out to you in a few days when we’ve replenished our supply.

Yes – we’ve been receiving reports of signs being stolen out of people’s yards. There’s nothing we can do about that – but if you have video evidence, please contact law enforcement as that’s indeed a crime!

We’d be happy to get you a replacement if we have enough supply. Take comfort in the fact that the other side must be very nervous to go through such extreme measures to suppress our candidates’ message!

Today (Friday) was the last day in which you could register to vote in person. If you missed out, you still have until Sunday Oct 4 to register online ( or by Monday to submit your registration by mail (it must be postmarked by Oct 5).

After that, the focus turns to getting commitments to vote from those who are registered!

One of our main activities to achieving our GoTV goals is to hand-deliver thousands of Greenwood Democratic Voters’ Guides to targeted houses in key precincts. Thank you to the team of ladies who stuffed all of these into door-hanger baggies. We’ve also had some wonderful volunteers begin hitting the streets this past week – but we need more! Please let us know if you’re interested & available for a few hours. We’ll supply all the materials.

Even though the Carnell-Drummond-Mays Dinner was just last night, we will still be hosting a Virtual Breakfast Meeting tomorrow (Saturday) at 9 am. It will be a more abbreviated session where we’ll do a little recap of the Dinner, try to make sense of all of the Voting dates & rules, and update you on our plans for this final month before the election.

You can sign up for this event by clicking on the image to the right. Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events See our Calendar Page for these and other upcoming events.
Virtual Breakfast Mtg
Sat, Oct 3
9 am – 10 am
Sign up

In-person Absentee Voting begins
Mon, Oct. 5
Business hours
Election Office
600 Monument Street,
Suite 113

Tue, Oct 6
10 am – 11 am
Follow our Social Media pages for updates

Virtual Breakfast Meeting
Sat, Oct 31
9 am – 10:30 am
Sign up

Election Day
Tue, Nov 3
7 am – 7 pm
Please forward this to a family member or friend!
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