First off, we want to express our GRATITUDE for the tremendous turnout at last Saturday’s monthly breakfast meeting. We are all very concerned citizens who want to make a positive difference in our community and in our nation. We would appreciate any feedback you can offer to help us improve upon future meetings. What did you like? What can be done better? Let us know at
Scheduling Notes
Precinct Reorganization Meeting
Sat, Feb 10 10 am – 12 pm
Greenwood County Library, Veteran’s Room
Open to all Democrats in Greenwood County
At least one Representative from each Precinct should attend and stand by their Precinct Sign to speak to those who may be coming in that are in their Precinct. The Precinct Rep will need to stay for the full time period.
For all others, if you have not partaken in a previously scheduled Reorganization Meeting for your precinct, this would be the place & time to show up to get acquainted with your Precinct Leader and learn more about this effort. You can show up at any time between 10 am – 12 pm and leave once you’ve spoken with your Precinct Leader. Opportunities may still exist for Officers, Delegates and Alternates positions within your Precinct.
Greenwood County Democratic Party – County Convention
Saturday, March 3 1 pm – completed (~ 2 – 3 hours)
Greenwood County Courthouse, in the Courtroom (2nd floor)
528 Monument St., Greenwood, SC 29646
Open to all Democrats in Greenwood County
At the Convention, we will be electing County Officers and Delegates to the State Convention. The date and time of the State Convention will be announced at the County Convention. We will also have a number of Candidates as guest speakers. THERE WILL NOT BE A BREAKFAST MEETING THAT MORNING.
While the convention is open to all Greenwood County Democrats (and we encourage everyone to attend) only Precinct Delegates (or their Alternates) can vote.
If you are interested in running for a County Party Office position, contact us at and we will provide you with more information.
- County Chair
- First Vice Chair
- Second Vice Chair
- Third Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer & Finance Director
- Executive Committeeman
- Alternate Committeeman
- Executive Committeewoman
- Alternate Committeewoman
Poll Worker Paid Opportunity
Supplement your income & fulfill your Civic Duty! You can earn $135 per election by working at the Polls on Election Day.
- June 12 (Primaries)
- June 26 (Primary Runoffs, if needed)
- November 6 (General Election)
Attendance at a two-hour training class or an online training class is required. The rate of pay for working the Primaries and the Runoff will be $210 for both days since you will only attend one training class. You must be a registered voter in Greenwood County or an adjoining county to work (16 and 17 year-olds may work at the same rate of pay).
For more information, call or e-mail The Greenwood County Voter Registration & Elections Office: (864) 942-8648,
Feb 4 Monthly Breakfast Meeting Notes
Buffet Breakfast opened. Video of President Obama’s “Fired Up! Ready to Go!” speech played in the background.
Meeting called to order by Chair, Charles Lewis. Prayer & time of silence led by Rev. James Thompson
Greenwood Miracle League
Presentation given by Joel Smart, Employment First supervisor for the Burton Center and Acting Chair of Board of Directors for the Greenwood Miracle League. Joel’s primary role at the Burton Center is to connect adults who have special needs with employers throughout Greenwood County, allowing them to be productive members of our community. According to Joel, “We are repeatedly told that our Burton Center graduates are some of their best employees.” You can read more about their Career Preparation and Job Placement program here. Joel also spoke about the Greenwood Miracle League who’s motto is ““Every child deserves a chance to play baseball”.
To learn more about the Employment Program, the Greenwood Miracle League or other services offered by the Burton Center, you can contact Joel:
Precinct Reorganization Updates
Greenwood County has 50 Voting Precincts. Statewide, the Democratic Party is currently organizing at the Precinct level in order to set a foundation for Get-out-the-Vote campaigns, fundraisers, information sessions and other grass-roots activities. The best thing you can do at this time is to get involved with your Precinct group as activities will be getting into full swing come the Spring! If you need assistance in getting connected to your Precinct, let us know at and we’ll help you out.
Each Precinct is to organize and elect the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Executive Committeeman or Committeewoman
- Secretary
- Treasurer (could be combined with Secretary)
- Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention on Mar 3.
So far, the following Reorganization meetings have been held:
- Precinct #3-GENESIS, Hosted by Frank and Jill Koczwara
- Precinct #11-LACO, Hosted by David Gaskin, Anna Michaelis and Claudette Bannerman
- Precinct #39-NEW CASTLE, Hosted by Dr. Robert Moore
- Precinct #25-VERDERY, Hosted by Carolyn Simon and Cathie Swindell
- Precinct #27-EMERALD, Hosted by Charles and Leslie McDonnell
- Precinct #36-LOWER LAKE, Hosted by Danny and Sandra McCormack
- Precinct #30-CIVIC CENTER, Hosted by Bill Kimler;
- Precinct #4- RICE ELEMENTARY, Hosted by Mary E. Smith
- Precinct #7, GREENWOOD, Hosted by Ann Hare
- Precinct #37-PINECREST, Lyle Pritchard;
- Precinct #2-AMERICAN LEGION POST 224 (HUT), Hosted by Judith & James Thompson and Gwen Wiggleton
- Precinct #18-GREENWOOD HIGH; Hosted by Hal and Paula Taylor and Audrey Witherspoon
- Precinct #33-GREENWOOD MILL, Hosted by Charles and Tresla Lewis
We welcome the new members that attended our Breakfast as a result of these meetings.
Future scheduled Precinct Meetings are:
- Feb 19, Precinct #19-GEORGETOWN, Hosted by Willie Triplin and Wilma Johnson.
Candidate Search Committee
Charles Lewis said that he was told by Dr. Bob Phillips that there is someone who is thinking about running as a Democratic Candidate, but has not yet decided.
Mike Monaghan, CPW Commissioner since 2000, is running for office again. Even though this office is non-partisan, we should all be happy to support a loyal Greenwood County Democrat like Mike. (Mike was elected Greenwood County Chairman in 1998 and served until 2000!)
The South Carolina Third Congressional District Democratic Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 12, 2018. We are fortunate to be able to select between two very strong candidates: Mary Geren and Hosea Cleveland.
The Filing Deadline for all South Carolina State and Federal Candidates is at Noon on Friday, March 30, 2018. See our page, Run!, for more information about the various positions that you can pursues locally.
It is critical we all do our part to ensure that we are registered to vote and that we encourage our family, friends, and neighbors to do so as well.
Our Vote! page contains valuable, easy-to-follow instructions on checking your own registration status as well as links for new voters to get registered.
You can also contact Connie Moody, the Director of Greendwood County’s Voter Registration & Election office. (864) 942-8521
Finally, it was noted that in South Carolina, citizens with felony records can vote! The South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center has more information. Please pass it on!
Chair’s Report
You will be happy to know that Greenwood Democrats were highly represented the State Party Monthly Executive Committee meeting last week. I want to thank each of them for their attendance: Secretary-Cathie Swindell, Committeeman-John Wilde, Committeewoman-Lillian Thomas, Alternate Committeewoman, Ella Hill along with myself (Chair-Charles Lewis). It was a very informative meeting with much emphasis being placed on County Party Precinct Reorganization and the County Convention.
For those Precincts that have not yet held organization meetings, Feb 10 at the Library is a great opportunity to do so (please see Scheduling Notes at the beginning of this e-mail).
Meeting Adjourned @ 11:15: Chair, Charles Lewis
Closing Prayer: Rev. James Thompson