Letter from the GWCDP Chair

Greenwood County Democratic Party
Post Office Box 73
Greenwood, SC. 2964


Hello Friends,

We have been very busy during the past few months with the Precinct Reorganization, County Convention, Pratt Issues Conference, March for our Lives in Greenville and the Parents Expo at the YMCA in Greenwood. The Executive Council Members and I have been working on your behalf with the State Democratic Party to make sure our delegates to the State Convention had their credentials and information to vote on the convention proceedings.

I went to Columbia on Friday but had to leave due to notification that my property in Hodges was on fire. Since I could not stay, I notified the State Party that Mrs. Elaine Gentry would represent our delegation as chair. Thanks to all delegates that attended the convention on Saturday and voted on rules and resolutions for the SC Democratic Party Platform.

We have candidates running for election and reelection to local, state and congressional positions. Much thanks to Dr. Bob Phillips and the Search Committee for interviewing and vetting candidates for local positions on the School Board, Greenwood County Council, CPW Commissioners and State House Representatives. If anyone is interested in hosting a drop-in for the Democratic candidates let them know.

Twenty seven precincts in Greenwood County need captains. Let me or our Secretary Bill Kimler know of prospective precinct leaders. Another precinct Reorganization meeting will be held soon to connect with these voters. We need your help to turn South Carolina Blue. 

If your Precinct has organized make sure you are hosting activities to keep your Democratic neighbors informed of events and monthly meetings. Be creative and help spread the word to register more voters and stay informed on the issues and platforms of candidates. Precinct # 3 will be hosting a gathering at the Grace Street Park Fuji Pavilion, 112 Merrywood Road on Saturday April 28 at 1:30. I plan to attend along with Michael Gaskin, Candidate for South Carolina House District 13.

Volunteers are asked to contact Mr. Claude Wright, chair of the Dogs and Burgers Fundraiser Committee.

The next major fall event will be the Carnell Drummond Dinner. This is your party and you are the key to our success and victory in turning South Carolina BLUE. Keep up the GOOD work everyone!

Charles Lewis, Chair
Greenwood County Democratic Party

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