The South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center is a valuable resource for low income South Carolinians to overcome social, economic & legal injustice. With an office in downtown Columbia they have a staff that includes attorneys, outreach workers, and community organizers.
They have published an article titled: People with Felony Records can Vote in South Carolina. Here’s how. In this article, they state:
Many people believe their criminal record means they have permanently lost their right to vote. While that may be true for some people in certain states, it is not true for people living in South Carolina. In South Carolina, voting rights are automatically restored once a person is released from incarceration and completed probation or parole. All a person has to do is re-register to vote.
Please spread the word that if you’ve served your debt to society, your right to vote has been restored. Read the article above for more information!
Consider the recent news of Congressional candidate, Keeda Haynes of Tennessee, a convicted felon who became a public defender and is now taking on a 17-year incumbent Congressman.
The progressive Democrat who is currently in a three-person primary race has been on both sides of the law. Two weeks after she graduated from Tennessee State University with a degree in criminal justice and psychology, her parents dropped her off at prison. She spent nearly four years there on marijuana charges, of which, she maintains her innocence.
Beyond just voting rights, there’s opportunity to be an agent of change for anyone. Sometimes, they just need to know the opportunity is there.