In this Newsletter:
- Message from the Chair
- Candidate Updates
- GWCDP News
- Our Community
- News & Noteworthy
- Upcoming Events
Message from the Chair
I’ll share something personal with you: In my past, I was once involved in a very unhealthy marriage (not my current one, of course.. I LOVE my wife!).
But during those final days (and weeks and months), even though we knew it was over, it felt like it was taking FOREVER to be able to move on and finally go our separate ways. I’ve known couples who were able to successfully and cordially navigate the waters of divorce, but for the most part, it’s a messy and emotionally painful affair.
For those of you who have gone through this, you know what I’m talking about. For others who are lucky enough to have missed out on that experience – well, I’m here to tell you it feels very similar to what we’re going through right now as we try to move on as a nation from our own poisonous relationship with the current occupant of the White House.
The time-honored tradition of a peaceful transition of power has been tossed aside along with all of the other time-honored traditions of a functioning federal government these past four years. If you were to go back in time 10 years and show them video (or tweets) of what’s transpiring today, no one would believe it would be possible in our beloved country.
Here’s one thing I am sure of, though: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have surrounded themselves with a very smart and hard-working team and I know that they’ve anticipated this very thing and have made contingency plans for it.

Come Jan 20, 2021. we’ll all move on from this bad relationship and forge a new one – one that’s stronger and better than ever!
Candidate Updates

Our Greenwood City Councilman, Matthew Miller, is facing a run-off election on Tuesday, Nov 17 for Ward 5.
While he did receive the majority of votes by far on Nov 3, it wasn’t quite enough to get over the 50% needed across all four candidates to achieve victory.
Runoff elections are strange and do not attract the same turnout as the general election do. If you live in Greenwood City Ward 5, this makes YOUR VOTE even more important to cast. Please share this with your family and neighbors to encourage a meaningful turnout on Tuesday.
Polling locations are the same as they were on Nov 3 with two exceptions (in bold below):
- Livi’s Knoll 003 — Genesis Education Center, 400 Glenwood St.
- Ashley River Run 005 — NEW: Genesis Education Center, 400 Glenwood St.
- Fairhope Ferry 007 — First Presbyterian Church, 108 Cambridge Ave. E.
- Harris 010 — Greenwood Family YMCA, 1760 Calhoun Road.
- Greenwood High 018 — Greenwood High School, 1816 Cokesbury Road.
- Emerald High 029 — NEW: West Side Baptist Church, 215 Bypass 225 S.
- Greenwood Mill 033 — West Side Baptist Church, 215 Bypass 225 S.
- Biltmore Pines 042 — Lakeview Elementary School, 660 Center St.
Absentee ballots can also be delivered on Monday at the Monument St Voter Registration Office.
Good luck, Matthew!
We were so very fortunate to have a wonderful slate of candidates to support this year. They have shared post-election messages with the community and we’ve collected them on our website for you to read. Words cannot properly express how grateful we are for their service and continued involvement to better the lives for all in Greenwood County. So we’ll leave it at a simple and heartfelt THANK YOU!
Don’t forget, there will be a Special Election on Dec 22 to fill the seat for Greenwood City Council Ward 2. There are two fine candidates that are running for that position:
- Marcial Renea Rapp Little
- Patricia Partlow
We will be working over the next month to introduce you to them and help our members make an informed decision. Stay tuned!

We’re bringing back the Zoom Social Hour this Wednesday! From 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, join us online to reflect on the 2020 Election.
Before we move on and begin planning for 2021 and beyond, let’s have an open, honest, and respectful conversation about what worked, what didn’t, and what we need to do differently to give our wonderful candidates the best chance to succeed in future elections!
Sign up for this event via Mobilize to get the Zoom link as well as reminders to join when the time gets close.
Our Community
Note: Since we are moving out of the Election cycle, we’re replacing the normal “Voting Rights” section with a new section focused on what’s happening in our community. If you have any items of interest to our almost 1000 Democratic member distribution list (events, fundraisers, charitable events) please let us know at info@gwdcountydems.org and we’ll share it here.
The fifth annual Outreach Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Thanksgiving Day, Nov 26, from 4 pm – 7 pm at The Hut.
Avery Roman,Marandy Woolridge, and other volunteers are doing a wonderful thing to provide a hot meal to anyone who wants one on this special day.
For donations and information, call Avery at 864-450-8637 or Marandy at 864-344-4180.You can read more about this activity:
Lending hand, plate before Thanksgiving
The Burton Center Foundation is seeking donations and sponsors to bring a joyful Christmas to some of our most cherished community members.
Please read the IJ article below for details on how you can help!
Burton Center Foundation wants you
to adopt someone for Christmas
News & Noteworthy

For the latest summary of Trump’s failed legal challenges across the country, this article from Politico does a really good job of breaking it all down.
(Spoiler alert: It’s going really, really bad for him).
‘Purely outlandish stuff’: Trump’s legal machine
grinds to a halt
Greenwood made the front page of the Post & Courier recently. Plans for expanded operations at the Enviva Biomass plant brought forward a few names you may recognize.
An SC wood pellet plant seeks to expand,
but activists worry about pollution and climate
With the absence of any true leadership in the White House, please keep in your prayers those who are potentially facing extreme hardship in the coming months:
Up to 15 million Americans face a devastating loss of
pandemic stimulus ‘the day after Christmas’
Upcoming Events
See our Calendar Page for these and other upcoming events. |
Greenwood City Council Mon, Nov 16 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Greenwood Municipal Building Also streamed live on Facebook. Greenwood City Council Ward 5 Runoff Election Tue, Nov 17 7 am – 7 pm Greenwood County Council Tue, Nov 17 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Greenwood County Public Library GWCDP Zoom Social Hour Wed, Nov 18 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Sign-up via Mobilize GWCDP Executive Committee Meeting Thu, Nov 19 6 pm – 7 pm Virtual Breakfast Meeting Sat, Dec 5 9 am – 10:30 am Sign-up via Mobilize Greenwood City Council Ward 2 Election Tue, Dec 22 |
Please forward this to a family member or friend! |