The following minutes were submitted by the Convention Secretary, Judith Thompson and accepted
Greenwood County Democratic Party 2022 Convention
March 5, 2022
The Greenwood County Democratic Party 2022 Convention was called to order at 11:00AM, by Chairperson Bill Kimler, with opening remarks and the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Chairperson nominated Michael Gaskin to serve as acting President of the Convention. The nomination was seconded and the nomination passed.
Michael Gaskin took his position as Acting President of the Convention and nominated Judith Thompson to serve as acting Secretary of the Convention. The nomination was seconded and passed.
Michael Gaskin the acting President called for any Resolutions: There were none.
Michael Gaskin then called for Audrey Witherspoon to come and introduce the elected officials for remarks:
- Betty Boles, City Councilwomen (Ward 3) gave remarks.
- Matthew Miller City Councilman (Ward 5) gave remarks.
- Special recognition was given to Former Senator Floyd Nicholson who also gave remarks.
- Audrey Witherspoon then introduced the candidates for elected office:
- Deshawn Williams candidate for School Board District 52 addressed the convention.
- Annette Edwards candidate for Greenwood Mayor addressed the convention.
County Party Election:
Michael Gaskin the acting Convention President stated that there will be no nominations from the floor. He then introduced each Greenwood County Democratic Party candidate. Each candidate had the opportunity to address the convention.
- Ahmad Hart; Alt. Executive Committeeman
- David Gaskin; Executive Committeeman
- Towanda Spearman; Alt. Executive Committeewoman
- Ella Hill; Alt. Executive Committeewoman, was not present. The acting President expressed Ms. Hill’s desire to run for this office.
- Mamie Green; Executive Committeewoman
- Matthew Miller; 3rd. Vice Chair
- Mei Kung; 2nd. Vice Chair
- James Thompson; 1st. Vice Chair
- Bill Kimler: Chairperson
Ballots were collected by Judith Thompson, acting Convention Secretary. Counting the ballots were Gwendolyn Wiggleton and Claudia Thomas.
There were 55 ballots collected. The only office being contested was that of the Alt. Executive Committeewomen. Ella Hill received 17 votes and Towanda Spearman received 20 votes. 18 ballots had to be rejected because the voters casting these ballots voted for both Ella Hill and Towanda Spearman.
Michael Gaskin announced the results of the election of the following persons elected to serve the Greenwood County Democratic Party until 2023.
- Chairperson; Bill Kimler
- 1st. Vice Chair; James Thompson
- 2nd. Vice Chair; Mei Kung
- 3rd. Vice Chair; Matthew Miller
The following persons elected to serve the Greenwood County Democratic Party until 2024.
- Executive Committeewomen; Mamie Green
- Alt. Executive Committeewoman; Towanda Spearman
- Executive Committeeman; David Gaskin
- Alt. Executive Committeeman; Ahmad Hart
Michael Gaskin then stated that the State Democratic Convention is dated for Saturday June 11; Greenwood County is allowed 26 delegates and 26 alternates. Names are needed by April 12.
The Convention was turned over to the elected Chair, Bill Kimler for closing remarks.
Submitted by
Judith Thompson,
Acting Convention Secretary