Roe v Wade overturned

Message from the GWCDP Executive Committee

One of the core tenets of the national Democratic Party platform is “Securing Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice”. Roe v Wade provided reproductive freedoms during the first trimester and allowed for regulations after fetal viability.

However, through shady manipulation altering the makeup of the Supreme Court, individual states are now allowed to impose a narrow religious view defining life as beginning at the point of conception, a view not shared by a large portion of the population or even among different faiths.

Our hearts break for those couples no longer able to use in-vitro fertilization to conceive.

We’re scared for the pre-teen girls who are raped and forced to give birth.

We’re angry on behalf of women who are locked into pregnancies they never wanted, having their right to self-determination removed by government overreach.

We still have a chance at the state level to mitigate some of this damage and protect the rights of women to proper healthcare and freedom to pursue their lives as they see fit. We will continue to fight for women with every breath we take.

Here’s what you can do right now

Support SC-Based Women’s Rights Organizations like

Raise your voice tomorrow, June 25th in Greenville and say You Won’t Go Back!

Support your Democratic SC candidates in November 2022 and stop these laws from getting passed at the state level:

And finally, get more involved with the Greenwood County Democratic Party. We’re here to work with you in a common cause!

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