Greenwood County Democratic Party
Monthly Breakfast Meeting
October 7, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:20 am by our Chair, Charles Lewis
Opening Prayer
Given by Rev. James Thompson
Charlie Barrineau, Greenwood City Manager
Our Chair, Charles Lewis, introduced Charlie Barrineau, Greenwood City Manager. Charlie told us that the site was first used as a marketing tool to publicize the Capital Projects Sales Tax Initiative, otherwise known as the “Penny Sales Tax”. It is now being transitioned to a site to keep us informed about the progress of each of the 27 projects.
Charlie went on to inform us about things that are going on within the City of Greenwood:
- South Greenwood Park Project
This site is on Foundry Rd. next to the Charles Lamb Community Enrichment Center. A planning meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 23, 2017 at 5:30 pm. - Habitat for Humanity
The City of Greenwood is currently partnering with Greenwood Habitat for Humanity to revitalize the North Edgefield Neighborhood on the West side of Greenwood. Streets included are Park Ave., Washington Ave., Marion Ave., Mineral Ave. and Edgefield St. - Police Department
Violent crimes are down in the city by 69%! Police are wearing body cameras. There has not been even one report instance of excessive force being used by our police in the past 3 years! - Fire Department
October is Fire Prevention Month and Station 1 is having an Open House on this coming Saturday, October 14th. For more information, see the attached flyer. - Uptown Market
The market was financed by Greenwood’s Hospitality Tax. Charlie said the last payment was just made. He informed us that those people who have SNAP cards are given a 5% discount on fresh fruits and vegetables sold on Wednesdays. - Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Statue Unveiling and Dedication
Three Day Celebration: (See attached flyer for more information)- A Panel Discussion on the Life and Legacy of Dr. Benjamin Mays
Friday, November 3, 2017@ 5:00 pm
Lander University - Statue Unveiling and Dedication Ceremony
Saturday, November 4, 2017 @ 2:00 pm
The Arts Center of Greenwood @ 5:00 pm (Invitation Only) - Worship Service at the Childhood Church of Dr. Mays
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Old Mt. Zion Baptist Church
- A Panel Discussion on the Life and Legacy of Dr. Benjamin Mays
- The Railroad Historical Center
They just received a grant to install handicap accessible ramps. If you have not been to the Railroad Historical Center lately you really need to go for a visit. The work that has been done to renovate the trains is unbelievably great.908 Main St S, Greenwood, SC 29646
(864) 229-7093
To find out more about the City of Greenwood search on: or
Carnell-Drummond Dinner Report
Because the Chair of the Carnell-Drummond Dinner, Thomas Wright, was not able to attend today’s Breakfast meeting due to his work schedule, Cathie Swindell was asked to give the report.
We sold 162 tickets. We sold 8 tables (8 people per table) @ $200.00 each.
The rest of the tickets old were $30.00 each. We gave away 4 tickets to Candidates and to the Index Journal Reporter.
Our Committee that consisted of Chair Thomas Wright, Karen Bright, Laine Horowitz, Becky Jacob and Cathie Swindell decided, in addition to sending out emails to advertise the dinner, also decided to reach out to those Democrats who may not have internet. We made telephone calls to those who had a telephone and letters to those who we did not have a telephone number or that we could not get in contact with by phone. We were able to update their contact information and were able to obtain email addresses for about 30 of those listed.
We had about 60 new people who attended the dinner this year, many were from the lists of people we reached out to and were able to contact!
Our Committee also made the table decorations at no expense to our County Party.
Finance Report including the Finance Report of the Carnell-Drummond Dinner
was made by our Finance Director, George Swindell. Bottom line, we made a net profit of $945.09 on the dinner (as of 10/11/17). The Finance Reports are attached.
Precinct Reorganization Committee
Elaine Gentry said that Precinct Captains and Precinct members are needed from each of the 49 Precincts in Greenwood County. If you would like to be the Precinct Captain or a member of the committee in your Precinct, please contact Elaine @ (864) 554-4041 or John Wilde (864) 223-2961
Redistricting (Gerrymandering)
Charles said that Fred Williamson is staying abreast of the gerrymandering issue. A lawsuit, brought forth in Wisconsin (Gill v. Whitford), is being heard by the United States Supreme Court. Their decision could have wide-spread implications as to who will be responsible for drawing Voting Districts within other states as well.
Social Media Report
Bill Kimler reported on the monthly progress of our various Social Media.
- Twitter: 205 followers (up 23% from last month)
- Instagram: 74 followers (up 45% from last month)
- Facebook: 192 followers (up 1% from last month)
Christmas Drop-In:
Suzy Holloway has agreed to chair the Christmas Party. It will be a Drop-In held at her Puppet House – 502 Reynolds, 29649 (Corner of Reynolds & Moore). Cathie Swindell volunteered to help. If you would also like to help, contact Suzy Holloway – (864) 993-0383 or Cathie – (864) 992-2182
Meeting adjourned @ 11:15 by Chair, Charles Lewis
A Time of Silent Reflection
Rev. James Thompson