Legislator Spotlight: Your Name Here

There are 124 House Districts in South Carolina. Democrats control 46 of those, Republicans 78. We’ve got a lot of ground to make up.
For this week’s Legislator Spotlight, we’re turning the Spotlight on you. The members of our caucus are wonderful, diligent legislators. You might not hear from them every day, but they’re doing everything they can to make the state of South Carolina a better place. But, they need more Democratic colleagues. Our platform only matters if we can turn it into actions and legislation. We need your help to do it.

We saw on Tuesday in Alabama that Democrats can win in the South. We saw what a wave looks like in Virginia last month, too. Democrats are right on the issues that matter to the people of South Carolina and it’s time we field a slate of candidates that act like it.

That’s where you come in. We know you’re rabble-rousers and activists, always getting in good trouble. You’re the leaders in your communities and your churches. You’re the ones grinding every day to bring change. It’s also time you run for office. 

So here’s what we’re going to do:

1. Check your district. IWillVote.com will show you the districts you live in. Write that number down, particularly the ‘SC House District’ one. 

2. Check the list of Republican-held House Districts. Find your district. Study it. Breathe it in. Get mad about it.

3. Decide you’re ready to run. Sign up with the Party. Talk to your friends and family. Start putting together your campaign plan.

At the Democratic Party, we’re here to help. Filing for the 2018 elections is in March and will be here before we know it. Our Candidate Recruitment Committee is working hard to help our candidates prepare. If you’re thinking about running for any office, tell us you’re ready to run!

In 2019, we want to be able to send out a Spotlight email focused on the energy, excitement, and commitment you’re bringing to the State House. That’s how change happens — one race at a time. 

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