Thoughts on the Alabama Senate election

Hello fellow Democrats and congratulations!

I know you were, as was I, very invested in the Alabama race between Roy Moore (R) and Doug Jones (D). This is another example that when all of America’s citizens participate in the voting system, WE CAN WIN!

Take note that of all political elections in our country, the only position elected via Electoral College is the President. All others elections are one person – one vote. YOUR VOTE DOES MATTER!!

Black residents of Alabama showed once again, just like in 2008 and 2012, that their candidates can win when we pull together. This is the reason the Republican Party is making such a concerted effort to suppress your vote. Just like the story of the Tower of Babel, they know what we are capable of when we work together as united Americans.

In 2018 – 2020 we will have to do it again. We will have to show the world that the Democratic Party is the party of the people, for the people.

For morality, decency, and respect.

For equality for all Americans.

We support Universal Heath Care, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid for our Seniors and disabled

We support all our Veterans.

We believe in fair taxes where ALL Americans pay their fair share.

Let’s go to the polls in 2018 – 2020 and elect Democrats who will stand with us and not take the Country backward. Remember the “good old days” Roy Moore spoke of were NOT so good for a great many people!

America is a recognized two part system: Democratic and Republican. No matter how disenchanted we may become with the process, STAYING HOME gets us all TRUMPED!! (pun intended)

Charles Lewis
Chair, Greenwood County Democratic Party

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