Key Minutes from the Monthly Breakfast Meeting, Sat Jan 6

The Greenwood County Democrats meet on the first Saturday of every month at 9 am at the Inn on the Square. Below are the minutes compiled by the Party Secretary, Cathie Swindell.

Meeting Called to Order

@ 9:20 am- Chair, Charles Lewis

Opening Prayer & Minute of Silence 

Chair, Charles Lewis

Guest Speaker  – Compassionate Care Alliance, Greenwood

Jodi Shenal gave a very inspirational testimony of how cannabis, applied medically, has helped her daughter. Also, Tony Sleister gave his own account of years with chronic back and leg pain and how medically-applied cannabis helps him control his pain.

For more information about the SC Compassionate Care Act or its current status, visit their web site. An abbreviated version of the Compassionate Care Act is attached.

To contact Jodi Shenal: (864) 941-6763 –
To contact Tony Sleister: (864) 993-2483 –

Report of the Christmas Party Drop-In

Suzy Holloway said that the Christmas Drop-In went well and that she hopes to host next year’s Christmas party too!

Social Media Update

Twitter followers: up 47%

Instagram followers: up 53%

Facebook “likes”: up 1%

Bill Kimler gave a rousing Pep Talk about our need to keep focused on three items in 2018:

  • Voter Education
  • Voter Registration
  • Voter Participation

Precinct Organization

Elaine Gentry shared that we need to give all of our Precincts the opportunity to organize, elect officers and also elect Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the County Convention.

Cathie Swindell provided a status update of the need for Volunteer Precinct Leaders. Attached is a list of Precincts that still need leaders. Please e-mail us at if you are interested.

Forms for use at Precinct Meetings were distributed. Contact us if you were not able to attend the Precinct Organization Meeting.

Chair Announcements

Charles Lewis made the following statements:

  • More Volunteer Precinct Leaders are needed! If your Precinct is listed among those needing leaders, please step up to the plate. The Volunteer Leaders are not permanent positions. They are needed only until a President has been elected. The Volunteer Leader’s duty is to contact members of the Precinct provided and gather them for a Precinct Meeting for the purpose of organizing the Precinct, elect Precinct Officers and to elect Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the County Convention.
  • Greenwood County Convention – The Courtroom at the County Courthouse has been secured for our County Convention on March 3 rd @ 1:00 pm. Those Delegates or Alternate Delegates that were elected at their Precinct Meetings will vote for the Greenwood County Democratic Executive Committee Officers. Any registered Democrat may attend the County Convention but only the Delegates or their Alternate Delegates will be able to vote!

    Also, Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the State Democratic Party Convention will be elected at our County Convention. There again, any registered Democrat may attend but only Delegates or their Alternates will be able to vote!

    You will, however, want to attend the County Convention because there will be Presentations by Candidates and other possible Speakers. (To be announced soon.)

  • An Advertisement in the Little River Multicultural Center Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Journal was purchased by our Party.
  • A card was sent to Mrs. Barbara Jackson from our Democratic Party. Larry will be missed for a long, long time! He was a wonderful person and we were very fortunate to have him as a member of our Greenwood County Democratic Party!
  • Our Party made a donation of $200.00 to the MLK Choir in memory of Rev. Norris Turner.
  • Charles took the non-perishable food that was donated during the Christmas Party Drop-In, to the Greenwood County Food Bank.
  • Rep. Anne Parks informed us that cards are going to be sent out to people who have not voted in the last three elections. Make sure to fill out those cards and mail them back asap! You will be automatically taken off (purged) from the Voter
    Rolls if you do not fill out the card and send it back. (More  information will be provided after we do some research about this action.)

  • Women’s March Anniversary 2018 – Greenville, SC Rally @ 12:00 Noon to 2:00 pm @ Falls Park

Meeting Adjourned

@ 11:30 am Chair with Closing Prayer

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