I was looking through some old e-mails and came across this poem that had been shared back in 2017 as women and supporters across the world rallied in shocked reaction to the election of a misogynist to the Presidency of the United States.
How well has this poem aged?
– Bill Kimler
Chair, GWCDP
On a March
On a March
A year from now
Or five or ten
A child will say
Where were you when?
And I’ll reply
Voice filled with starch
With all my sisters
On a March
Why did you march?
The child may say
I marched in protest
To pave the way
For equal reproductive rights
For Health Care, Clean Air
LGBT rights. I marched
With women tall and small
To change the world for
One and all
And did it change?
The child may say
It changed us all
That very day
We didn’t know
And nor can you
How today’s actions
Change the view
For those who come
When we are old
When we are not
Quite young and bold
But we can leave a
Map, a clue just as
Our elders left us too
When times seem dark
And all seems bleak
Do not be silent
Rise up and speak
And you will find
The path to mind
Lies in the brightness
Of friends aligned
To help you protest, plead
And shout against the
Darkness all about
And one day some sprite
Out of the glenn
Will ask you
Where were you when?
And you will say
Voice filled with starch
With all my sisters
On a March.
Sylvana Marie Joseph