Newsletter for Mar 11, 2021

In this Newsletter:

  • Message from the Chair
  • Candidate & Elected Officials
  • GWCDP News
  • Our Community
  • News & Noteworthy
  • Legislative Updates
  • Upcoming Events

Message from the Chair

Elections have consequences, both good and bad. The Biden administration along with the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate have just this week enacted a most needed stimulus bill that is perfectly timed to get our country’s people back to work, children back to school, and states operational with the safety of the people as a priority. 

At the same time, Republican-dominated State Legislations across the country, and especially here in SC, have gone to next-level bully mode: Cutting back voting accessibility that mostly impact minorities and the poor, criminalizing women and health professionals for making their own constitutionally-protected choices, prioritizing guns over infrastructure, and blatantly hateful attacks on transgender youth.

Fielding candidates at the local level are more critical than ever. This week, I’m stealing the words of my fellow Chair in York County, John Kraljevich. Please read and consider stepping up to serve and save your community.

I’ve fielded some questions about recruiting candidates for office, so let me offer some guidance:

✅ We would like to have a Democrat running for every spot on the ballot, so we won’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Not everyone has to be Abraham Lincoln. But we want candidates who are able to enunciate this party’s ideals and spend the time and effort to run a real campaign that communicates with their voters.

✅ The best candidates have non-political connections to their communities. Professional networks, volunteer organizations, neighborhood friends, etc. The more people you know, the easier it is.

✅ You don’t need to be an active member of this party or even particularly partisan to have success, especially when it comes to municipal races

✅ Candidates don’t need to be perfect angels or Scouts either. No one cares if you’ve been divorced, or if you got arrested for having a joint in your hair at Woodstock. This isn’t a presidential race we’re talking about here. 

✅ Getting elected to the state legislature, an opportunity which candidates will have in 2022, requires a real time commitment, one that is difficult to handle if you have a regular 9-to-5. Getting elected to town or city council or a school board position does not. Anyone with any profession or any amount of money can run and win one of those races — and serve admirably.

✅ I am here to answer questions, however broad or granular they may be. This is my job.

– John Kraljevich
Chair, York County Democratic Party

Candidates & Elected Officials

Newly elected Greenwood City Councilwoman, Patricia Partlow, has an actively maintained Facebook Page for Ward 2. Be sure to “like” that page to receive valuable updates that may concern you!

Clyburn Chronicles

If you are a podcast listener, SC Congressman James Clyburn has one called the “Clyburn Chronicles” where he:

…combines history and politics while discussing the lessons of the past, the politics of the present, and how we must learn from those experiences to help shape the future.


March Breakfast Meeting
Our March Virtual Breakfast Meeting is in the books and thank you to all who attended! In addition to our GWCDP members, we had attendees from six different counties also drop in!

If you weren’t able to attend, or wish to review & share the content that was covered, we’ve uploaded all of the segments to our YouTube channel.

We’ve also made our Meeting Notes available which have links to those videos and to news articles and other resources that were brought up in the meeting. Click on the image below to see the notes.

Sign up now via Mobilize for our next meeting on April 3!

Floyd’s Fish Fry
The annual “Fish & Dogs” fundraiser has been renamed as “Floyd’s Fish Fry & Picnic” to honor the legacy of service of Senator Floyd Nicholson to Greenwood and surrounding counties! See the formal announcement below:

Stay tuned for a date and place to be revealed!

Volunteer of the Month
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the GWCDP and we’re proud to name Mrs. Judith Thompson as our Volunteer of the month! She diligently maintains our voter database, has organized the largest Carnell-Drummond fundraising dinner to date, and has always helped with voter registration drives. Thank you, Judith – we wouldn’t be who we are without members like you!

If you wish to get involved as well, please sign up through our Volunteer Form

Our Community

Charles Lewis shared with us that this Sunday, March 13, NewSpring Church Outreach Ministry is sponsoring a work day at West Cambridge Park.

The plan is to install inground charcoal grills, put up Volleyball nets, repaint bathrooms and more.

Volunteers are to meet first at the church at 8 am (1306 Bypass 72) to pray and prepare before heading to the park. The effort should be complete by noon.

This park is used by many residents of Greenwood, young and old! If you wish to join in this effort, please email

Housing Protection
According to a recent news article eviction protections offered by the CDC are set to expire at the end of March. Anyone seeking help with a housing-related matter can call 833-958-2266 to leave a message and get connected with qualified people who can provide free legal help from the South Carolina Bar.

News & Noteworthy

Various organizations continue to offer free educational sessions to broaden our knowledge and help make us better informed voters. Here are some additional opportunities you can take advantage of if you have the time!

Messaging Our Opposition: House Bill 3094 – Open Carry Laws
Offered by the SCDP
Thursday, March 11, 6:30 pm
Register here

Race and Identity Dialogue: African American Voices in Poetry
Offered by Lander University
Thursday, March 11, 5:30 p.m.
Register here

Generating Earned Media and Owning Your Message
Offered by the SCDP
Thursday, March 18, 6:00 pm
Register here

Good Governance Symposium Series: Redistricting Reform
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the Charleston Area
Monday, March 22, 6:00 pm
Register here

Legislative Updates

Denise Waldrep continues to provide us timely and down-to-earth updates on what’s happening in the legislative session in Columbia. Below is the latest update Denise provided to GWCDP members on Saturday.

Also, over on our Greenwood County Democrats FB page, she shared the following:

  • Greenwood Rep. McCravy voted against the 2nd reading of the SC Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act which would create a study to find causes and solutions for why maternal mortality rates in non-Hispanic Black women is 4 times greater than the rate in white women.
  • The SC House Judiciary subcommittee is now getting around to meeting about the hate crimes bill. They will meet this morning to discuss H. 3620. Let’s see if it makes it out of committee! The SC Chamber of Commerce, among other business groups, has been pushing them to take this up. 
  • Beware if you’re guilty of being a “slow-poke” in the left lane!

Upcoming Events

Race and Identity Dialogue: African American Voices in Poetry
Thu, Mar 11
5:30 pm
Register here

GWCDP Search & Support Committee
Thu, Mar 11
6 pm
Contact James Thompson for info

Messaging Our Opposition: House Bill 3094 – Open Carry Laws
Thu, Mar 11
6:30 pm
Register here

West Cambridge Park Work Day
Sun, Mar 13
8 am – 12 pm

Greenwood City Council
Mon, Mar 15
5:30 pm
Municipal Building
520 Monument St., Room 2012
Watch on FB Live

GWD County Council
Tue, Mar 16
5:30 pm
Greenwood Public Library
Watch on YouTube

GWCDP Executive Committee Mtg
Thu, Mar 18
6 pm – 7 pm

Generating Earned Media and Owning Your Message
Thu, Mar 18
6:00 pm
Register here

Good Governance Symposium Series: Redistricting Reform
Mon, Mar 22
6:00 pm
Register here

Virtual Breakfast Meeting
Sat, Apr 3
9 am – 11 am
Register via Mobilize

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