In-Person Breakfast Meeting, Saturday, July 10, 9 am

We can’t begin to tell you how FIRED UP! and READY TO GO! we are to hold our first in-person Breakfast Meeting tomorrow morning.

We have an amazing lineup of speakers who are coming in from all over South Carolina to inform and inspire us.

Angela Geter is running for US Senate to replace Tim Scott in Nov 2022.  She is a small business owner, a military veteran, and Chair of the Spartanburg County Democratic Party.

Candy Fletcher is an Executive Producer of the upcoming two-part documentary “Downing of a Flag“. From their Facebook page:

Through firsthand interviews covering multiple perspectives, “Downing of a Flag” will provide a comprehensive historical examination of the presence of the Confederate flag at the South Carolina State House.

Jalen Elrod is the newly elected 3rd Vice Chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party. He has a strong track record of activism and community organization. You can read a special article written about him recently in Greenville Online.

Greenville’s Jalen Elrod, and the fight to save Black communities from erasure by gentrification

Johanna Bishop is a Trustee on the Greenwood District 50’s School Board and a Real Estate agent serving multiple counties in the region.

She will share with us her story about running for a locally elected position and the importance for people to get involved at every level!

Please RSVP here (or call/text 864-715-2341) so that we can get an accurate headcount for food and beverages.

This will be held outdoors, so please bring your own chair (location address will be provided upon RSVP).

Parking is limited, so we ask that the more able-bodied park further away and walk to the event to allow those members who are not as mobile to have less distance to travel. ARRIVE EARLY – proceedings will begin on-time!

WE CAN’T WAIT to see everyone again!

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