We hear about the struggles to get massive legislation passed in DC and and several express frustration as we see all the gory details of “how the sausage gets made” played out in the media.
But this year truly has been a tremendous one for the Democratic agenda. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has captured it perfectly!
What if, on Inauguration Day, I told you that in his first year, Joe Biden would cut childhood poverty in half?
“That’s a good year 1,” you might reply.
Ok what if he also got the GOP to agree to the biggest infrastructure bill in the nation’s history?
“No way!” you’d say.
What if I told you he ALSO got the biggest ever investment in clean energy through a fiercely divided Congress?
“You’re pulling my leg”, you would say.
No, I would reply. And now I’m going to blow your mind, I would continue.
Guess what else he did?
He got funding for 1 MILLION new affordable housing units.
He put the biggest ever investment in anti-gun violence programs.
He cut the cost of child care by $10,000 for low and middle income families.
“Whatever”, you would scoff. “All that is impossible in one year.”
Oh, and did I leave out that he got universal preschool passed – for all 3 and 4 year olds? He did that too.
“Stop,” you might complain.
Also he ended corporate tax avoidance. Amazon will finally pay taxes.
“No President could do ALL that in ONE year”, you would say.
When we pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the Build Back Better Act, Joe Biden and this Democratic Congress will have made 2021 the most consequential legislative year, with the biggest positive impact on American families, in generations.
That’s the truth.