Newsletter for Dec 02, 2020

In this Newsletter:

  • Message from the Chair
  • Candidate Updates
  • GWCDP News
  • Our Community
  • News & Noteworthy
  • Upcoming Events

Message from the Chair

We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday. While the experts are telling us that we’re entering a most dangerous time in the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m very  encouraged by the reports of vaccines passing rigorous tests and the amount of resources being allocated to our scientific community to rapidly produce and distribute them.

From the detailed writeups in the New York Times and other sources about the processes being followed by Pfizer and Moderna, I have utmost confidence that everything is being done to properly test the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. I, for one, will sign up as soon as I can. I understand (and agree) that other segments of our society, like healthcare workers and the elderly, will get a higher priority.

In the meantime, please do everything you can to be safe, including wearing a mask and limiting your travel as much as possible. There’s too many here in Greenwood that still subscribe to “it’s a hoax” or “if you’re scared, stay home”. That’s a rather cavalier reaction to almost 300k COVID deaths in the US in less than a year – more deaths than caused by the flu over the last five years combined!

It’s been proven that where there’s widespread mask-wearing and proper physical distancing, we can go about our lives safely with near normalcy. But for as long as large segments of the population are not on board, the virus will continue to spread, hospitals will be overhwhelmed, and our businesses will continue to suffer. We hope some of our government officials will see the light before it’s too late and lead by example, if not by legislation!

Candidate News

We congratulate our 3rd Vice Chair, Matthew Miller, on his victory in the runoff election for Greenwood City Council Ward 5.

While it was unfortunate that he had to deal with personal and partisan attacks from his opponents, Councilman Miller showed determination, hard work, and a positive attitude that helped carry him to victory. 

You can read some thoughts Chair Bill Kimler had regarding Matthew’s campaign on our web site.

We are not quite done with Election season in Greenwood! There is a special election to be held on Tuesday, Dec 22 to fill the Council seat for Greenwood City Ward 2. 

We’ve set up a page on our web site to highlight the two candidates who are running for that spot.

Marcial Little
Patricia Partlow

Both candidates will be interviewed as part of our next Virtual Breakfast Meeting. See below for more details!

Many have asked how they can help with the two US Senate runoff elections in Georgia on Jan 5. The outcomes of these races can determine how successful President-elect Biden will be in bringing about much needed policies and reforms to our nation.

You can join in the grass-roots campaign to help register voters and increase voter participation through phone-banking that you can do from your home at your leisure. Click on the image below to sign up! As our friend and Georgia native Mary Geren wrote:

“Not only does Georgia need our help to flip those Senate seats on January 5, but our nation needs us. So please follow Jaime Harrison’s example and step up to serve one more time.”


We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Rev. James Thompson as the new 1st Vice Chair of the GWCDP. He takes over from Michael Gaskin who stepped down in October.

James is a third-generation pastor in the AME Church and retired from full-time ministry in 2019. He has been active with the Greenwood Democrats as part of the Executive Committee, leading us in prayer for a large number of events. He will also spearhead our Search and Support Committee as we begin to recruit solid candidates for the 2022 Election.

We’re grateful for James’s constant service to the community and look forward to his leadership as we continue to grow in the upcoming years!

With James taking on the role of 1st Vice Chair, the position of Alternate Committeeman has opened up in the GWCDP Executive Committee. If you are interested in joining a very active decision-making body, please let us know at

Our next Virtual Breakfast Meeting is this Saturday at 9:00 am. We will have a post-election analysis, Q&As with the two candidates running for Greenwood City Council Ward 2, an interview with Brother Bill Robinson, and other information about what’s happening with the Greenwood County Democratic Party. You can watch on Facebook Live or through Zoom. 

Sign up on Mobilize to get connection info!

The GWCDP will be launching a new educational initiative starting in January. Each month, we will be hosting forums to learn about and discuss key issues that our elected representatives should be addressing.

We want to head into the 2022 elections as a better informed electorate. Let’s be armed with facts to support the positions we take! Let’s be prepared to counter the constant stream of misinformation and fear mongering!

Our Web Site has a new section to help you get up to speed on the Issues. It’s very much a work in progress and YOUR input would be most welcome! If you have an issue about which you are knowledgeable and passionate, please let us know by e-mailing! We could use your help to build out our web site and to plan our future forums.

As an example, please take a few minutes to explore our page about the “Green New Deal”.

3rd Vice Chair Matthew Miller would like to help local schools establish High School Democrats clubs. If you are a teacher or student in Greenwood County who would be interested in exploring this opportunity in 2021, please e-mail Matthew at

Our Community

The GWCDP was honored to play a small role in helping Avery Roman serve hundreds of hot meals to Greenwood residents on Thanksgiving week at the Hut.

Avery is a disabled veteran who, along with family, friends, and other volunteers, has been running this Outreach Thanksgiving Dinner for five years.

Please consider Avery for your lawn care needs. Let’s show how Greenwood takes care of those who serve our community!

The Index-Journal published an incredible article recently about the volunteers and beneficiaries of Greenwood’s Pathway House. 

‘There is hope here’: Greenwood shelter focuses on root causes of homelessness

As IJ Editor Richard Whiting shared with us:

“It is a story that humanizes what some see as mere numbers. It opens eyes to what many see through a stereotype.”

To learn how you can contribute or to help with the Greenwood Pathway House, click on their logo to the right.

Our Party is working to be more active in the community and live out our slogan “Democrats care”. If you are aware of upcoming efforts contact Wanda Moore at

News & Noteworthy

Don’t forget, ACA (Affordable Care Act) enrollment is open now through Dec 15!

According to this article from the Post & Courier:
SC residents enrolling in ACA have more coverage options than ever

“Improved competition appears to have had a positive effect on monthly costs: On average, premiums are decreasing for consumers who are buying health coverage on the public marketplace.”

Of course, the current Administration is not interested in promoting this healthcare coverage option, so it’s important for us to spread the word ourselves!

You can sign up at

Upcoming Events See our Calendar Page for these and other upcoming events.
Virtual Breakfast Meeting
Sat, Dec 5
9 am – 10:30 am
Sign-up via Mobilize

Greenwood County Council
Tue, Dec 15
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Greenwood County Public Library

 Greenwood City Council
Mon, Dec 21
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Greenwood Municipal Building
Also streamed live on Facebook.

Greenwood City Council Ward 2 Election
Tue, Dec 22
7 am – 7 pm
Please forward this to a family member or friend!

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