In this Newsletter:
Message from the Chair | An “off season” is when we need to be ON! |
GWCDP News | In-person Breakfast Meetings to resume in July Volunteer of the Month Precinct Leader recruitment continues |
Upcoming Elections & Voting Rights | US Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews visits US Senate Candidate Angela Geter to speak Senate voting on S1 “For the People Act” |
Our Community | Adopt-a-Highway activity this Saturday Ware Shoals Children’s Enrichment fundraiser |
News & Noteworthy | Former 1st Vice Chair Michael Gaskin honored Puppet Parade for America |
Legislative Updates | SC Budget and restrictions on educational freedom Denying reality & Obstructing the Truth |
Upcoming Events |
Message from the Chair
They say the year after a Presidential Election is the toughest for engaging people in political discussions and community activism. That certainly was NOT the case in 2017 after Trump was elected! But I fear there may be some truth to that here in 2021.
However, I personally cannot seem to get away from it. Even while on a recent vacation at the beach, an anti-Asian hate crime took place just yards from where I sat! Every day, I feel a tremendous sense of urgency to get working towards the 2022 elections. This is the time where we need to be building up strength, getting our organization skills honed, and recruiting strong candidates to run.
I’ve reached the limit of what I can do as an individual. But with YOUR support, as a volunteer or as a financial donor, there’s no limit to the amount of positive change we can enact. Just read below for a number of ways in which you can get involved!
I can assure you of this: The other side is NOT standing still! They are active right now on a number of fronts: From restricting the discussion of race in the classroom to preventing voting rights legislation from getting through with constant filibustering. You have the choice and the ability to fight back. Don’t wait for someone else – it’s got to be you! And you! And you! Together we can!

In-person Breakfast Meetings to resume in July
We are excited to resume holding in-person Breakfast Meetings! The last 14 months of Virtual Breakfasts were fun, but thanks to the vaccination efforts this year it has been deemed appropriate to hold live gatherings again.
We are thankful to Robert and Ken Headley Downs for offering their spacious lawn for our meeting on July 10 at 9 am. We have an incredible lineup of speakers with US Senate Candidate Angela Geter headlining!
Please RSVP online or call/text (864) 715-2341 as soon as possible so that we can have an accurate headcount. We are also sending out a massive postcard blitz this week, so you are getting the inside scoop today. Reserve your spot now! We can’t wait to see you there!
click the image below to see a larger version of the poster
Volunteer of the Month
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Democratic Party. It’s due to their hard work and dedication that we’re able to speak our message and support our candidates and elected officials.
Dr. Bob Phillips has been a cornerstone member, helping at every event and creating opportunities for the Greenwood Democrats to make a difference. We are thrilled to recognize him as our Volunteer of the Month for June!

Precinct Leader recruitment continues
Building up the strength of our Party carries forward! We are holding another Zoom informational session on Saturday, July 3 at 9 am. It’s only 30-minutes and we’ll share with you our Walk-Crawl-Run method that allows ANYBODY to grow a voting precinct and help Democrats win elections.
If you are curious to learn what it’s all about, please register today for more information and to receive email reminders.

Upcoming Elections & Voting Rights
US Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews visits
Rep Krystle Matthews brought her US Senate Campaign to Greenwood on June 10 for a meet-and-greet. You can read all about it in a great writeup from the Index Journal.
You can also watch an extended interview she conducted with us at our June Breakfast meeting. We thank Rep Matthews for bringing her message to the Lakelands!
US Senate Candidate Angela Geter to speak

Spartanburg County Democratic Party Chair, Angela Geter, will be bringing her campaign for US Senate to our next in-person Breakfast Meeting on Saturday, Jul 10.
Angela is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, rising to the rank of sergeant and was awarded an Air Force Achievement Medal for Meritorious service. She is also the owner-operator of an accounting consulting firm based in Spartanburg.
Come to our meeting to hear more from this strong candidate who aims to take on Tim Scott!
Republicans to Block Voting Rights Reform

In the wake of an avalanche of completely unsubstantiated claims of voting fraud and circus-like audits that put clown shows to shame, Democrats in the US Senate have drafted S1, THE FOR THE PEOPLE ACT OF 2021. You can read the proposed law for yourself – it puts the power of the vote back in the hands of the people, and out of the pockets of anonymous billionaires and the legislators who keep adding more hurdles getting in the way of your ability to vote.
This week, Senator Chuck Schumer has called for a vote in the Senate to begin debate on this bill – not to vote on the bill itself. But the Republican side of the Senate has already stated they intend to filibuster this.
We’ll see if this gambit is enough to spur the “moderate” holdout Democratic Senators to unify with the rest and make some changes in to the Senate rules to allow meaningful legislation to pass! In the meantime, we need to support OUR candidates for US Senate. If we want change, we have to BE the change!
Our Community
Adopt-a-Highway activity this Saturday!
Nobody cleans up like Democrats! Our next Community Care Movement activity is a roadside cleanup as part of the County’s Adopt-a-Highway program.
We’re looking for a few more volunteers to help round out a cleanup crew for a segment of Cokesbury St. that we’ve adopted. We get a road sign in our name put up on this stretch of road as a result!
if you’ve got time to spare this Saturday from 9 am to 11 am, reply to this email or call (864) 715-2341. The county will provide all materials. Thank you for helping us keep our neighborhood beautiful! Democrats Care!

Ware Shoals Children’s Enrichment fundraiser
The GWCDP Community Care Movement is also partnering with Ware Shoals Councilwoman Valerie Jackson to fundraise for the children in the community. We support Ms. Jackson in her efforts to bring educational opportunity and material goods to those generations that are following in our tracks!
For a mere $2/ticket, you can have a chance to win one of 7 gift certificates to local restaurants. Please help out in this worthwhile activity and call one of the numbers below to order your tickets today!

News & Noteworthy

Michael Gaskin Honored
Former GWCDP 1st Vice Chair and SC House candidate, Michael Gaskin, was honored recently as the “Caring for the Carolinas” Award Winner for June.
Visit Channel 7 WSPA to see the award recognition video. Well deserved, Michael, and thank you for the many years of service to Greenwood County!

Puppet Parade for America
Good friend of the GWCDP, Suzy Holloway, is sponsoring a kid-friendly event for the 4th of July weekend at her Puppet Place on Reynolds Ave.
Bring the kids and the kids-at-heart for this wonderful way to celebrate the founding of our nation!
Legislative Updates

SC Budget and restrictions on educational freedom
The educator advocacy group SC for Ed has recently shared the following:
The Senate has hidden a provision deep within the budget that would strip away the academic freedom of teachers in K-12 and higher education and outlaw serious discussions of race in history and other courses. Though the provision seems to just prohibit discriminatory language, it is written in a way so as to make it very difficult to discuss issues of discrimination at all. This is a politically motivated stunt that will nonetheless have a negative effect on discourse about race and social issues at a time when our country needs those more than ever. If you have concerns about this, please contact your state senator.
Never forget: Nearly every South Carolina Republican voted to block a bipartisan investigation into the Jan. 6th insurrection.

Upcoming Events
Community Care Movement
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
Sat. Jun 26
9 am
Contact (864) 715-2341
Ware Shoals Children’s Enrichment Drawing
Fri, Jul 2
See above for more info
Precinct Leader Info Session
Sat, Jul 3
9 am – 9:30 am
Puppet Parade for America
Sat, Jul 3
10 am – 1 pm
Suzy’s Puppets at Penn’s Place
Independence Day!
Sun, Jul 4
GWD County Council
Tue, Jul 6
5:30 pm
Greenwood Public Library
Watch on YouTube
In-Person Breakfast Meeting
Sat, Jul 10
9 am – 11 am
HeadleyDowns Manor
GWCDP Exec Committee Mtg
Thu Jul 15
6 pm – 7 pm
Greenwood City Council
Mon, Jun 19
5:30 pm
Municipal Building
520 Monument St
Watch on FB Live
GWD County Council
Tue, Jul 20
5:30 pm
Greenwood Public Library
Watch on YouTube
Floyd’s Fish Fry & Cookout
Sat, Sep 11
11 am – 3 pm
Boys & Girls Club