Newsletter for Oct 05, 2020

In this Newsletter:

  • Message from the Chair
  • Candidate Updates
  • GWCDP News
  • Voting Rights

Message from the Chair

“All in”

That’s a term not to be used lightly. When you say “all in”, it indicates you’re ready to give every last bit you can to a cause. It means you will have NO REGRETS when the big moment comes, because win, lose, or draw, you can say that you left nothing behind.

In July, the Jaime Harrison campaign partnered up with the South Carolina Democratic Party to launch a coordinated “All In” campaign to defeat Lindsey Graham and to secure Democratic victories up and down the ballot. This means shared resources, shared funds, shared volunteers and a message that helping Jaime helps Floyd, Anne, Jose, Denise, Hosea, Matthew and all the Democratic candidates.

Tomorrow, the “All In” GOTV Mobile Unit will be coming to town. From 3 – 5 pm on Tuesday, Oct 6, at West Cambridge Park, I will be there along with representatives from the State Democratic Party to distribute yard signs, bumper stickers, and other material to generate the enthusiasm that OUR TIME IS NOW!

In return, we volunteer our time, our energy, and our finances to our local candidates to drive up voter turnout and engagement for our local candidates which then helps Jaime, Kamala, and Joe.

Every day possible, I’ll be hitting the streets with fellow volunteers to distribute our Democratic Voters Guides which spotlight our Democratic Candidates who are in a competitive election this year. We’re not engaging directly with people (out of a concern for safety). But we have thousands that we want to get to doors we’ve specifically targeted where they’ll make the most difference.

Will you go “all-in” with us and give a couple of hours over the next 28 days to help achieve this ambitious goal? If not this particular activity, read below for many other opportunities for you to jump in and contribute to the fight for our country.

Candidate News

Floyd Nicholson

There’s are a pair of opportunities this week to support Senator Floyd Nicolson:

Sign up for the virtual “Upstate How We Win Party” which will be this Wednesday, Oct 7, from 5 pm – 6:30 pm. Join the Upstate region and special guest Hosea Cleavleand and Sen. Floyd Nicholson as we discuss our GOTV efforts and what the Coordinated Campaign will need to bring victory in November!

This weekend, there will be “safety-first” door-to-door canvassing activity:

  • Saturday 10 am -1 pm
  • Sunday 1 pm – 6 pm

Contact Ernest Boston Jr at or call 678-887-9578.for more information or to sign up to give some time back to our Senator.

There are also other opportunities for you to jump into the fray from home.

Fort Hope is the GOTV nerve center for this important election year! As you hopefully saw in Saturday’s debate between Jaime Harrison and Lindsey Graham, it was a clear battle of vision between Hope and Fear.

If this is your first time, don’t worry! Training will be provided.

Finally, Wednesday night is the first and ONLY Vice Presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence. We predict this will be a one-sided bloodbath, so parental discretion is advised…


We had a great Breakfast Meeting on Saturday, streamed over Facebook Live. If you missed it, no worries. Like everything else, we’ve saved the proceedings on YouTube in bite-sized chunks:

  • See a 10-minute highlight reel of the 13th Annual Carnell-Drummond-Mays dinner
  • Chairman Bill Kimler relays all of the latest news about voting rights & processes for the November election
  • Bill also provides various GWCDP updates, concluding with a small rant about COVID attitudes both locally and in the White House.

Voting Rights

In-person Absentee Voting has officially launched at the Greenwood County Elections Office

600 Monument Street, Suite 113
(Park Plaza)

You can ask for the Absentee Ballot Request form and cast your vote all in one shot! Masks are required and make sure to bring proper ID (like a Driver’s License).

A second “satellite” location will open on Oct. 13 at

314 Main Street, Greenwood
(same plaza as Howard’s & Southern Soul on Main)

It will be open Tue, Wed, Thu from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. But in the final week of October 26th – October 30th, the location will be open every day from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.

The non-partisan League of Women Voters has an easy way for you to see all of the candidates that will appear on your ballot.

Just go to

On our own web site, we also have a full list of ALL candidates running for office in Greenwood County. 

The South Carolina Democratic Party Voter Protection Unit needs volunteers to help protect the vote. If you can volunteer as a poll watcher or help on the hotline (100% virtual), please signup using the link:

Finally, you can serve as a paid poll workers by contacting Lisa Hawthorne at 864 9428648 at the Voter Registration office and receive training and and assignment. The more poll workers we have the smoother the process will go on Nov 3!

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